Thursday, March 19, 2020
John Grisham essays
John Grisham essays In John Grishams novel thriller, The Pelican Brief, Grisham combines both page turning action and popcorn reading to develop his overall theme in the book, which is tracking down the person who wants the author of the Pelican Brief dead. Thanks to his use of plot and various symbols, Grisham reveals the breath-taking theme. This story begins with the assassinations of two prominent Supreme Court justices, done by an unknown assassin and hired by an unknown source. A law student named Darby Shaw researches the connection between the two Justices that were killed and writes down her beliefs and analysis of what happened, which in turn builds up a strong case against the suspect; which she titles it: The Pelican Brief. Grisham uses Darby Shaw as the key that unlocks the start to the action and to the theme of the book. Who saw the brief Gavin?...Its been passed around, and forty-eight hours later [Thomas] is dead...It fell into the wrong hands, wouldnt you say?(Pg.117). John Grisham uses the Pelican Brief to stir up all kinds of trouble, including the death of Darbys closest friend, Thomas, and the deaths of some key people that would have helped track down the killer. By simply writing down her thoughts in a brief, Darby has already sent two people to their death, and is fleeing from a man who is hunting her down. She must constantly change her appearance in order to throw off her hunter and to keep herself alive. Darby kind of goes to show us just how easily our life can change in an instant, and I think that Darby, in Grishams book, represents the everyday people in America. The hunter represents those that are in a sense lower in society because they choose the criminal path to live. Throughout the novel, Grisham addresses the topics of fear and trust. Darby, as shown in this quote, I need some answers, Mr. Verheek. Im scar...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
French to English False Cognates
French to English False Cognates One of the great things about learning French or English is that many words have the same roots in the Romance languages and English. However, there are also a great many faux amis, or false cognates, which look similar but have different meanings. This is one of the biggest pitfalls for students of French. There are also semi-false cognates: words that can only sometimes be translated by the similar word in the other language.This alphabetical list (newest additions) includes hundreds of French-English false cognates, with explanations of what each word means and how it can be correctly translated into the other language. To avoid confusion due to the fact that some of the words are identical in the two languages, the French word is followed by (F) and the English word is followed by (E).ici (F) vs icy (E)     ici (F) means here.     icy (E) means glacial, glacà ©, or verglacà ©.idà ©ologie (F) vs ideology (E)     idà ©ologie (F) can refer to an ideology, but is usually used in a pejorative sense: ideology or philosophy based on sophomoric or illogical arguments.      ideology (E) une idà ©ologie.ignorant (F) vs ignorant (E)     ignorant (F) is a semi-false cognate. It usually means unaware of, although it can mean ignorant (E). It can also be a noun - ignoramus.     ignorant (E) has only one French equivalent - ignorant, but in English it is usually somewhat pejorative: lacking education or knowledge. The French word ignorant doesnt distinguish between unaware and uneducated.ignorer (F) vs ignore (E)     ignorer (F) is a semi-false cognate. It nearly always means to be ignorant (E) or unaware of something: jignore tout de cette affaire - I know nothing about this business.     ignore (E) means to deliberately not pay attention to someone or something. The usual translations are ne tenir aucun compte de, ne pas relever, and ne pas prà ªter attention .impair (F) vs impair (E)     impair (F) is an adjective: odd or uneven.     impair (E) is a verb: diminuer or affaiblir.implantation (F) vs implantation (E)     Une implantation (F) is the introduction or setting up of a new method or industry, a settlement, or a companys presence in country/region. Medically, it means implantation (of an organ or embryo).     Implantation (E) means une implantation only in the sense of an introduction or setting up or in the medical sense.important (F) vs Important (E)     important (F) has a much broader meaning that its English cognate. In addition to important in the sense of significant or authoritative, important (F) can also mean large, considerable, substantial.     important (E) important.imposition (F) vs imposition (E)     imposition (F) refers to taxation (les impà ´ts - taxes). In religion, limposition des mains the laying on of hands.     imposition (E) has two distinct meanings. The imposition of something, such as a regulation, is la mise en place. In the sense of a burden, imposition cant be translated by a noun. The sentence needs to be rewritten using a verb like abuser or dà ©ranger to get the sense of imposition across.inconvà ©nient (F) vs inco nvenient (E)     inconvà ©nient (F) is a noun and is also somewhat stronger than the English word inconvenient; un inconvà ©nient is a disadvantage, drawback, or risk. Les inconvà ©nients - consequences.     inconvenient (E) is an adjective: inopportun, importun, gà ªnant, peu pratique, malcommode.inconsistant (F) vs inconsistent (E)     inconsistant (F) indicates poor consistency: flimsy, weak, colorless, runny, or watery. In a more general sense, it can be translated by inconsistent.     inconsistent (E) means lacking consistency or being erratic: inconsà ©quent, incompatible.index (F) vs index (E)     index (F) can refer to the index finger, a pointer, or an alphabetical index.     index (E) is an alphabetical index or table. When it is used in statistics, the French equivalent is une indice.infect (F) vs infect (E)     infect (F) is an adjective: revolting, obnoxious, squalid, vile, horrible.     infect (E) is a verb: infecter, contaminer.information (F) vs information (E)     information (F) is a semi-false cognate. Une i nformation refers to a single piece of information, while des informations is equivalent to the general English term information. In addition, une information can indicate an official inquiry or investigation.      information (E) means des renseignements or informations.informatiser (F) vs inform (E)     informatiser (F) to computerize.     inform (E) can mean informer, avertir, aviser, or renseigner.ingrat (F) vs ingrate (E)     ingrat (F) can be an adjective - ungrateful, bleak, unreliable, or unattractive - or a noun: ingrate, ungrateful person.     ingrate (E) un ingrat.inhabità © (F) vs inhabited (E)     inhabità © (F) uninhabited.     inhabited (E) means habità ©.injure (F) vs injury (E)     injure (F) is an insult or term of abuse.     injury (E) refers to une blessure.inscription (F) vs inscription (E)     inscription (F) is a true cognate in the sense of text inscriptions. However, it is also a general term for action as well as registration or enrollment.     inscription (E) une inscription on a coin or monume nt, or une dà ©dicace in a book.insolation (F) vs insulation (E)     insolation (F) means sunstroke or sunshine.     insulation (E) isolation.instance (F) vs instance (E)     instance (F) means authority, official proceedings, or insistence.      instance (E) refers to something that is representative of a group, an example - un exemple.intà ©gral (F) vs integral (E)     intà ©gral (F) means complete, unabridged, or total.     integral (E) means intà ©grant or constituant.intà ©ressant (F) vs interesting (E)     intà ©ressant (F) is a semi-false cognate. In addition to interesting, it can mean attractive, worthwhile, or favorable (e.g., a price or offer).     interesting (E) means captivating, worth looking at, etc.intoxiquà © (F) vs intoxicated (E)     intoxiquà © (F) means poisoned.     intoxicated (E) means drunk - ivre.introduire (F) vs introduce (E)     introduire (F) means to place, insert, or introduce into. It is not used in the sense of introducing one person to another.     introduce (E) means prà ©senter.isolation (F) vs isolation (E)     isolation (F) re fers to insulation.     isolation (E) equals isolement or quarantaine.inviter (F) vs invite (E)     inviter (F) means both to invite and to treat (someone to a meal/drink).     invite (E) inviter.
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