Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Case analysis on The Treadway Tire Company Study
Investigation on The Treadway Tire Company - Case Study Example Crude materials relied upon the cost of oil, which has quickly expanded from $ 20 for every barrel to $ 90 barrel in 2007 impacting the financial matters of tire firms. The increasing expense of crude materials was representing an incredible effect on the company’s economy. Further, Lima Tire plant was confronting genuine confidence issues with the line-foreman. Their disappointment was beginning to influence the whole organization. The plant by and by is experiencing huge extension in that it means to modernize its endeavors that will build the plant’s limit and utilize new assembling innovation. Moreover, Lima plant has gotten one of the Treadways top plants in quality appraisals and efficiency in light of the upgraded innovation and refreshed hardware. Treadway shut Greenville Plant arranged in South Carolina on account of obsolete gear and moved some hardware to Lima. Hence, with the extra volume, Lima moved to ceaseless tasks, which has permitted Treadways to amortize the significant fixed expenses of working a tire plant over greatest creation volume. Current issues inside the plant is the increasing expense of crude materials, elevated level of employment disappointment and pressure that exist between hourly paid laborers and foremen. Right now, there are no enough individuals qualified to be elevated to the positions of foreman. The organization wants to take care of the turnover issue so as to make Lima Plant become Treadway’s top plant for profitability and its least cost maker in North America. The Company needs to have representatives who are happy with their work. Because of this, the organization directed a representative fulfillment inquire about, saw that a few directors were not content with the activity, and was worried about the places of line managers. There is have to increment intercompany moves and the level of school graduates. Immediately, the expansion in expenses of activity ought to permit the organization to increment
Saturday, August 22, 2020
equalization :: essays research papers fc
     Introduction  â â â â      The plan of this paper is to clarify the evening out program and Atlantic accord. In the first place, what is leveling, for what reason does the program exist, and how is it determined? Are there issues with today’s balance program? Next, what is the Atlantic accord and nonexclusive arrangement and why has it been an issue in the previous a half year? What were the offers the government gave Newfoundland and what was at last acknowledged by Newfoundland’s common government? At long last, what do the future hold? Could the Atlantic accord bargain influence the evening out supportability? What are the other leveling equation, strategy choices? These are the issues that this paper will attempt to address.      What is Equalization? The evening out program has its underlying foundations in the Rowellâ€Sirois report of 1940 and in 1950 James M. Buchanan characterized installments that the national government made to â€Å"weaker†territories as balance installments. Canada actualized the balance program in 1957 and has been making unequivocal awards from that point forward. Today the branch of monetary Canada characterizes leveling as a: â€Å"Federal move program that permits regions, paying little mind to their capacity to raise income to give generally tantamount degrees of administrations at generally practically identical  â â â â levels of tax collection. Qualification to get evening out financing is dictated by a  â â â â formula estimating each province’s income †raising limit against five † â â â â province standard.†Note: The five areas are British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. Balance is essential to the point that it has been recognized inside the Constitution:      â€Å"Parliament and the administration of Canada are focused on the rule of  â â â â making balance installments to guarantee that commonplace governments have  â â â â sufficient incomes to give sensibly tantamount degrees of open administrations at  â â â â reasonably equivalent degrees of taxation.†Notwithstanding, adjustment today isn't equivalent to in 1957 because of refreshing and reestablishing (Equalization is recharged at regular intervals). The Principle thought that all residents inside Canada ought to have a similar nature of open merchandise regardless of what the commonplace government’s income abilities are continues as before.                Why Equalization?      There are a few reasons why Canada has received the balance program. In the first place, there are the vertical and even uneven characters among territories and nation. Next, Canadian territories have a solid inclination for common self-rule. Third, there is requirement for efficient and political value between territories. At long last, adjustment is required for monetary work versatility effectiveness inside the feudalism.      The initial phase in understanding why Canada has an evening out program is to comprehend what is implied by vertical and level uneven characters.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Chase, Samuel
Chase, Samuel Chase, Samuel, 1741â€"1811, political leader in the American Revolution, signer of the Declaration of Independence, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1796â€"1811), b. Somerset co., Md. A lawyer, he participated in pre-Revolutionary activities and was a delegate to the First and Second Continental Congresses. In 1776 he was appointed, together with Benjamin Franklin and Charles Carroll of Carrollton, to win Canada over to the Revolutionary cause, but the plan failed. Chase helped to influence Maryland opinion to support independence from Great Britain. Although he opposed adoption of the U.S. Constitution, he later became a strong Federalist and President Washington appointed him (1796) to the U.S. Supreme Court. A series of brilliant and influential decisions established his leadership in the court until he was eclipsed by the rising genius of John Marshall . Chase was impeached (1804) by the U.S. House of Representatives for discrimination on the bench against Jeffe rsonians. Tried before the Senate (1805), he was found not guilty. This verdict discouraged further attempts to impeach justices for purely political reasons. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay on The Messianic Idea in Judaism - 1116 Words
The Messianic Idea in Judaism Belief in the eventual coming of the moshiach is a basic and fundamental part of traditional Judaism. It is part of Rambams 13 Principles of Faith, the minimum requirements of Jewish belief. In the Shemoneh Esrei prayer, recited three times daily, we pray for all of the elements of the coming of the moshiach: ingathering of the exiles; restoration of the religious courts of justice; an end of wickedness, sin and heresy; reward to the righteous; rebuilding of Jerusalem; restoration of the line of King David; and restoration of Temple service. Modern scholars suggest that the messianic concept was introduced later in the history of Judaism, during the age of the prophets. They note that the messianic†¦show more content†¦The word moshiach will be used throughout this page. The Moshiach The moshiach will be a great political leader descended from King David (Jeremiah 23:5). The moshiach is often referred to as moshiach ben David (moshiach, son of David). He will be well-versed in Jewish law, and observant of its commandments. (Isaiah 11:2-5) He will be a charismatic leader, inspiring others to follow his example. He will be a great military leader, who will win battles for Israel. He will be a great judge, who makes righteous decisions (Jeremiah 33:15). But above all, he will be a human being, not a god, demi-god or other supernatural being. It has been said that in every generation, a person is born with the potential to be the moshiach. If the time is right for the messianic age within that persons lifetime, then that person will be the moshiach. But if that person dies before he completes the mission of the moshiach, then that person is not the moshiach. When Will the Moshiach Come? There are a wide variety of opinions on the subject of when the moshiach will come. Some of Judaisms greatest minds have cursed those who try to predict the time of the moshiachs coming, because errors in such predictions could cause people to lose faith in the messianic idea or in Judaism itself. This actually happened in the 17th century, when Shabbatai TzviShow MoreRelatedRedemption And Utopia1367 Words  | 6 Pagesanyone associated with the implementation of a special mission, rushed by G-d, but their status was still emptied of the eschatological and unique character of the person â€Å"Messiah†as would be reinforced later by biblical hermeneutics. The history of Judaism of the post-exilic period gave rise to a complex set of beliefs towards the expectations about the future: resurrection of the body, eternal reward and punishment, final judgment, heaven, retribution and the Messiah. Many of these beliefs, howeverRead MoreEssay on Matthews Christology1423 Words  | 6 Pages Matthew’s Christology is one that emphasises to a Jewish audience the Jewishness of Jesus. 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Friday, May 8, 2020
The Cia Planned John F. Kennedy s Assassination - 1101 Words
In certain essays, elements such as ethos, logos, and pathos are used to help convey a message to its readers. Authors use ethos to appeal to ethics, and is also a meaning to convince a reader to see the credibility of the persuader. Logos is used to appeal to logic using maps, detailed facts, and charts. Finally Pathos, which is used to show sympathy and empathy a reader feels while reading the essay. In the essay, â€Å"The CIA Planned John F. Kennedy’s Assassination,†author Steven Hager, editor of High Times magazine uses many examples of the three elements to help illustrate the specific details in his article. To begin, Hager used ethos in his essay to help his readers be convinced the reader to see the credibility of the persuader. Hager used lots of ethos elements to help make his source seem reliable. To begin the author gained credibility by explaining many different views on the investigation over both Kennedy’s assassination and Lee Harvey Oswald s de ath. One major point that Hager brought up was that Kennedy did not have much tolerance for the CIA after they blatantly went behind his back and forced troops into Cuba for war. All Kennedy wanted was peace, and he tried very hard to settle generously without war with Cuba. In return Kennedy had some of the CIA directors fired for their actions. Furthermore, Hager also demonstrated ethos when he explained how Jim Garrison, an attorney during the time of the assassination took on the case and stuck to it till he foundShow MoreRelatedThe Assassination Of John F. Kennedy1626 Words  | 7 PagesThe Assassination of John F. Kennedy John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was assassinated on November 22, 1963 at 12:30 p.m Central Standard Time in Dallas, Texas while riding in a motorcade in Dealey Plaza.[1] Kennedy was fatally shot by Lee Harvey Oswald while he was riding with his wife, Jacqueline, Texas Governor John Connally, and Connally s wife, Nellie, in a presidential motorcade. A ten-month investigation by the Warren Commission from November 1963 to September 1964Read MoreWho Killed JFK? Essay1699 Words  | 7 PagesReview of Research The assassination of John F. Kennedy is said to be, as from the Warren report, a murder. The Warren report states that a man, Lee Harvey Oswald, fired 3 shots from the 6th floor of the Texas Book State Depository building. One missed the President’s motorcade completely; another hit President Kennedy in the neck, and the last hit him in the head, which was later said after an autopsy, to be the cause of death. The problem with the Warren report is that some eyewitnessesRead MoreThe Assassination Of The War And Formation Of Civil Rights1550 Words  | 7 Pages Political Assassination Danielle Ferreira U.S Government Date Introduction Political assassination is defined as the act of killing a political figure mainly for political reasons. In most cases, the motive behind political assassinations is beyond the person who is killed. Assassinations have been rampant across the globe for ages and these assassinations do cause lots of political instabilities in a country especially when key personalities such as heads of states are the victimsRead MoreThe American Mafia, An Italian American Organized Crime Network Essay1730 Words  | 7 Pagesnotorious characters such as Al Capone and John Gotti have captivated the public’s attention and became a part of popular culture. During the final part of the 20th century, the government used anti-racketeering laws to convict high-ranking mobsters and weaken the Mafia. However, it remains in business today (Mafia in the United States). An involvement with the mafia was JFK s Death On November 22, 1963. It was one of the most controversial assassinations to one of the greatest leaders in AmericaRead MoreMilitary Industrial Complex During The Farewell Speech1710 Words  | 7 Pageshave argued that Kennedy planned to end the involvement of the United States in Vietnam, and was therefore targeted by those who had an interest in sustained military conflict, including the Pentagon and defense contractors. Former Texas Senator Ralph Yarborough in 1991 stated: Had Kennedy lived, I think we would have had no Vietnam War, with all of its traumatic and divisive influences in America. I think we would have escaped that. According to author James Douglass, Kennedy was assassinatedRead MoreWho Killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy?3029 Words  | 13 PagesWho killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy? This question can be considered as cryptic as the meaning of life. Does anyone know who killed Kennedy? The J.F.K Assassination is a conspiracy wrapped in a conspiracy, wrapped in an enigma? Can the people of the world serious accept what the U.S government has told them - Lee Harvey Oswald single handily killed the President of the U.S.A? Evidence shows that it seems possible that the American Central Intelligence Agency could have been involved in the presidentRead MoreAccording To The Length Of The History Of The United States,1975 Words  | 8 Pagesthe United States is the death of John F. Kennedy. Up to now, 53 years have passed since â€Å"the judgement day†, the government has not figured the accurate answer about the murdering of Kennedy as well as the slayer who killed him. Unfortunately, everything we are having right now is just theories, and enigmatic ideas. Apparently, each of the presidents has their own mystery and ambiguous things behind it, however, the last president’s assassination (John F Kennedy) was the most confused and crypticRead MoreThe Role Of David Ferrie On The Assassination Of President John. F. Kennedy3057 Words  | 13 PagesFerrie played in the assassination of President John. F. Kennedy. There are many conspiracy theories surrounding the killing of President Kennedy, and this paper seeks to show how David Ferrie fits into the theories, and how he caused the death of one of the most prolific presidents in the history of United States. Special attention will be give to the New Orleans Conspiracy, because it is one of the theories that strongly link David Ferrie to the assassination of J. F. Kennedy. Various reports andRead MoreThe J.F.K. Assassination1801 Words  | 8 PagesThe J.F.K. Assassination The 1960 Presidential election was won by John F. Kennedy who defeated the incumbent Vice President Richard Nixon by the narrowest margin in history. Kennedy, a senator from Massachusetts was the only Roman Catholic and the youngest man elected to the presidency. In 1963, during his third year in office President Kennedys popularity increased and he had already started planning for his reelection campaign. On the morning of November 23, 1963, the President flew to DallasRead MoreJohn F. Kennedy s President Of The United States Essay1854 Words  | 8 Pagesâ€Å"And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can for you – ask what you can do for your country.†John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was the top rated and popular president the U.S. has ever had. During his roughly 1000 days in office he had an approval rating of 70% with the closest being Dwight Eisenhower with 65%. Since then, 74% of people believe he did an above average or outstanding job while only 3% believe he did a below average or poor job. With all of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Passionate geography teacher Free Essays
Since an early age I have been fascinated by Geography and during my last few old ages at school I have been inspired by a truly passionate geographics instructor. The more I found out about the topic, the more interesting it appeared to me. I was captivated by how in Geography, scientific discipline interlinked with art, and the natural environment interlinked with the human society. We will write a custom essay sample on Passionate geography teacher or any similar topic only for you Order Now Hence, without vacillation I decided to prosecute a grade in Geography. I have already proven my abilities and my echt involvement for this topic as I am already a 2nd twelvemonth geographics pupil at Vilnius University, which is one of the best universities in Lithuania. The grade is disputing but at the same clip it is honoring as I am passionate about the topic. Not merely have I gained good theoretical background, but I have besides already developed some practical accomplishments used in mapmaking, geomorphology, weather forecasting every bit good as the information analysis necessary for recreational and touristry geographics. Thankss to my university surveies I have acquired a better apprehension of the natural environment. Last twelvemonth we undertook a Geomorphology field class, during which we were look intoing the land conditions to acquire a better apprehension of the formation of the soils nowadays in a wood. We besides researched the consequence of the clime alteration on the landscape. [ ( ? ? ? ) ] It was one of the most interesting parts of my class, as I had the chance to use my theoretical cognition and I besides learnt much about the land formation. [ ( ? ? ? ) . ] I enjoy traveling to seminars and discoursing about the issues that the universe and geographers are confronting. This is assisting me to understand the environment as a whole every bit good as my ain function within the universe. From the beginning of my grade I have been actively engaged in assorted facets of university life. I am a portion of the organizational and societal activities commission at our Students ‘ Union. I play a great function in organizing societal events, negotiations and developing. Most of this engagement has been as portion of assorted squads, which has non merely helped me develop my interpersonal accomplishments but besides improved my organizational accomplishments. I have ever been passionate about athleticss and have therefore taken portion in assorted sportive activities runing from swimming to hiting and have taken portion in school and university athletics competitions. I have won several decorations and my dedication for athleticss has helped me develop my squad working accomplishments every bit good as heightening my continuity. These accomplishments are critical for my university surveies and for my future professional calling. Recently, I realised that my current university is unable to suit my demands. My private research has shown that higher ( ? ? ? ) instruction in the United Kingdom offers greater learning quality and more chances for their pupils. Besides, the alumnus chances for natural scientific disciplines are significantly better than in Lithuania. Analyzing in England would besides be an first-class opportunity for me to broaden my skyline, experience cultural diverseness, and run into new people. It would be an priceless experience for me and would surely be an of import plus for my future calling. As I have studied English at school for 9 old ages and have been taking it as portion of my current grade, I am confident that analyzing in English would non present any hurdlings for me. Since the beginning of my grade I have ne’er regretted of taking Geography. Hence, there is no uncertainty in my head that I want to go on analyzing it. However, due to the differences in the course of study of English and Lithuanian universities I believe that the best option for me would be to get down my surveies once more from the first twelvemonth. How to cite Passionate geography teacher, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
What the CEO Wants you to know summary Essay Example
What the CEO Wants you to know summary Essay Synchronized organization- expands the capacity of the whole group 2. Lack of keeps businesses small and non potential 3. Join together to create mechanism that brings together Social Operating Mechanisms. (critical to an edge in execution) a. Creating a strategy to have lower prices Wall Marts Regional Managers observed prices, merchandise, and the over all ambiance of the stores. B. Fundamentals- Remember consumer through completive analysis, see the needs of the consumers and what they expect. . Information constantly being exchanged adjusted as necessary. 5. Information exchanged and integrated, decisions are made, and every participant is getting a complete picture of the business a. I. L . Frequency and Rhythm of the information exchange keeps all SIMI (Quick Marketing Intelligence ) participants, no matter where they are in the hierarchy or the globe up to date on whats happening with customers, competitors, and technology worldwide. That way they can better b. We will write a custom essay sample on What the CEO Wants you to know summary specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on What the CEO Wants you to know summary specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on What the CEO Wants you to know summary specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Information from the competitors is less than one week old. B. I. Gathered directly from customers and rent line employees 6. At the same time, the accountability is built in. A. Slackers are noticed at this phase 7. Do work from a Business side: a. I. L . Set Priorities a. I. 2. Design Social Operating Mechanisms a. I. 3. Information exchange a. I. 4. Coordinate functions and maintain one accord 8. Benefits: a. Awareness of global trends b. Make valuable tradeoffs and ideas for good decisions. When sharing people come to a common conclusion from the conflicts that are brought to the surface Presentation: In making groups decisive Global challenges play a major role in any multi national heir organizations operations such as Cultural, Language, and Value factors. Culturally, for instance China is a communist country so many advertisements are not fit for their culture. Many times movies, magazines, or websites are filtered and edited thru the Chinese government. With Language, Corpor ations have to keep a consistent message so that it is easily transferable to any language. For Value in certain places the value for one product is not the same price as it is in another. The apple I phone is 200 dollars in the US and its 475 in China, similarly desire beer is 3 dollars in the states and up to 9 dollars internationally Global Advantages Some global advantages are: Resource allocation, Awareness of Global issues and developing trends Coca cola allocated a cafe © product in Europe that was not as successful in the States, although it is one of their signature products internationally. For awareness of Global issues a corporation might re-adjust and look at margins if they know that a particular market is in a economic downturn. Developing trends are at an advantage to corporations that are global because they notice trends in different markets and can predict future trends.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
John Grisham essays
John Grisham essays In John Grishams novel thriller, The Pelican Brief, Grisham combines both page turning action and popcorn reading to develop his overall theme in the book, which is tracking down the person who wants the author of the Pelican Brief dead. Thanks to his use of plot and various symbols, Grisham reveals the breath-taking theme. This story begins with the assassinations of two prominent Supreme Court justices, done by an unknown assassin and hired by an unknown source. A law student named Darby Shaw researches the connection between the two Justices that were killed and writes down her beliefs and analysis of what happened, which in turn builds up a strong case against the suspect; which she titles it: The Pelican Brief. Grisham uses Darby Shaw as the key that unlocks the start to the action and to the theme of the book. Who saw the brief Gavin?...Its been passed around, and forty-eight hours later [Thomas] is dead...It fell into the wrong hands, wouldnt you say?(Pg.117). John Grisham uses the Pelican Brief to stir up all kinds of trouble, including the death of Darbys closest friend, Thomas, and the deaths of some key people that would have helped track down the killer. By simply writing down her thoughts in a brief, Darby has already sent two people to their death, and is fleeing from a man who is hunting her down. She must constantly change her appearance in order to throw off her hunter and to keep herself alive. Darby kind of goes to show us just how easily our life can change in an instant, and I think that Darby, in Grishams book, represents the everyday people in America. The hunter represents those that are in a sense lower in society because they choose the criminal path to live. Throughout the novel, Grisham addresses the topics of fear and trust. Darby, as shown in this quote, I need some answers, Mr. Verheek. Im scar...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
French to English False Cognates
French to English False Cognates One of the great things about learning French or English is that many words have the same roots in the Romance languages and English. However, there are also a great many faux amis, or false cognates, which look similar but have different meanings. This is one of the biggest pitfalls for students of French. There are also semi-false cognates: words that can only sometimes be translated by the similar word in the other language.This alphabetical list (newest additions) includes hundreds of French-English false cognates, with explanations of what each word means and how it can be correctly translated into the other language. To avoid confusion due to the fact that some of the words are identical in the two languages, the French word is followed by (F) and the English word is followed by (E).ici (F) vs icy (E)     ici (F) means here.     icy (E) means glacial, glacà ©, or verglacà ©.idà ©ologie (F) vs ideology (E)     idà ©ologie (F) can refer to an ideology, but is usually used in a pejorative sense: ideology or philosophy based on sophomoric or illogical arguments.      ideology (E) une idà ©ologie.ignorant (F) vs ignorant (E)     ignorant (F) is a semi-false cognate. It usually means unaware of, although it can mean ignorant (E). It can also be a noun - ignoramus.     ignorant (E) has only one French equivalent - ignorant, but in English it is usually somewhat pejorative: lacking education or knowledge. The French word ignorant doesnt distinguish between unaware and uneducated.ignorer (F) vs ignore (E)     ignorer (F) is a semi-false cognate. It nearly always means to be ignorant (E) or unaware of something: jignore tout de cette affaire - I know nothing about this business.     ignore (E) means to deliberately not pay attention to someone or something. The usual translations are ne tenir aucun compte de, ne pas relever, and ne pas prà ªter attention .impair (F) vs impair (E)     impair (F) is an adjective: odd or uneven.     impair (E) is a verb: diminuer or affaiblir.implantation (F) vs implantation (E)     Une implantation (F) is the introduction or setting up of a new method or industry, a settlement, or a companys presence in country/region. Medically, it means implantation (of an organ or embryo).     Implantation (E) means une implantation only in the sense of an introduction or setting up or in the medical sense.important (F) vs Important (E)     important (F) has a much broader meaning that its English cognate. In addition to important in the sense of significant or authoritative, important (F) can also mean large, considerable, substantial.     important (E) important.imposition (F) vs imposition (E)     imposition (F) refers to taxation (les impà ´ts - taxes). In religion, limposition des mains the laying on of hands.     imposition (E) has two distinct meanings. The imposition of something, such as a regulation, is la mise en place. In the sense of a burden, imposition cant be translated by a noun. The sentence needs to be rewritten using a verb like abuser or dà ©ranger to get the sense of imposition across.inconvà ©nient (F) vs inco nvenient (E)     inconvà ©nient (F) is a noun and is also somewhat stronger than the English word inconvenient; un inconvà ©nient is a disadvantage, drawback, or risk. Les inconvà ©nients - consequences.     inconvenient (E) is an adjective: inopportun, importun, gà ªnant, peu pratique, malcommode.inconsistant (F) vs inconsistent (E)     inconsistant (F) indicates poor consistency: flimsy, weak, colorless, runny, or watery. In a more general sense, it can be translated by inconsistent.     inconsistent (E) means lacking consistency or being erratic: inconsà ©quent, incompatible.index (F) vs index (E)     index (F) can refer to the index finger, a pointer, or an alphabetical index.     index (E) is an alphabetical index or table. When it is used in statistics, the French equivalent is une indice.infect (F) vs infect (E)     infect (F) is an adjective: revolting, obnoxious, squalid, vile, horrible.     infect (E) is a verb: infecter, contaminer.information (F) vs information (E)     information (F) is a semi-false cognate. Une i nformation refers to a single piece of information, while des informations is equivalent to the general English term information. In addition, une information can indicate an official inquiry or investigation.      information (E) means des renseignements or informations.informatiser (F) vs inform (E)     informatiser (F) to computerize.     inform (E) can mean informer, avertir, aviser, or renseigner.ingrat (F) vs ingrate (E)     ingrat (F) can be an adjective - ungrateful, bleak, unreliable, or unattractive - or a noun: ingrate, ungrateful person.     ingrate (E) un ingrat.inhabità © (F) vs inhabited (E)     inhabità © (F) uninhabited.     inhabited (E) means habità ©.injure (F) vs injury (E)     injure (F) is an insult or term of abuse.     injury (E) refers to une blessure.inscription (F) vs inscription (E)     inscription (F) is a true cognate in the sense of text inscriptions. However, it is also a general term for action as well as registration or enrollment.     inscription (E) une inscription on a coin or monume nt, or une dà ©dicace in a book.insolation (F) vs insulation (E)     insolation (F) means sunstroke or sunshine.     insulation (E) isolation.instance (F) vs instance (E)     instance (F) means authority, official proceedings, or insistence.      instance (E) refers to something that is representative of a group, an example - un exemple.intà ©gral (F) vs integral (E)     intà ©gral (F) means complete, unabridged, or total.     integral (E) means intà ©grant or constituant.intà ©ressant (F) vs interesting (E)     intà ©ressant (F) is a semi-false cognate. In addition to interesting, it can mean attractive, worthwhile, or favorable (e.g., a price or offer).     interesting (E) means captivating, worth looking at, etc.intoxiquà © (F) vs intoxicated (E)     intoxiquà © (F) means poisoned.     intoxicated (E) means drunk - ivre.introduire (F) vs introduce (E)     introduire (F) means to place, insert, or introduce into. It is not used in the sense of introducing one person to another.     introduce (E) means prà ©senter.isolation (F) vs isolation (E)     isolation (F) re fers to insulation.     isolation (E) equals isolement or quarantaine.inviter (F) vs invite (E)     inviter (F) means both to invite and to treat (someone to a meal/drink).     invite (E) inviter.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Antibiotic Resistant Bactria Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Antibiotic Resistant Bactria - Lab Report Example Through natural selection mechanism, the organisms that survive the killer antibiotic give rise to a new generation of resistant bacteria. This article analyzes various ways on how the menace of drug resistance can be curbed. To achieve the objectives, the article focuses on research done by experts on the issues and possibilities of mending any loopholes in the research so as to eliminate cases of drug resistance. Available data in the heath sector shows that some of the diseases that medical practitioners used to cure with ease are becoming more expensive and difficult to cure. Moreover, the WHO (world health organization) has a recently been announcing the rising trend in the demand of new types of antibiotic. In this, the global body claims that the existing antibiotics have consistently been failing to eliminate some microorganisms, Ochiai (2011). The data has clearly indicated that the cases of drug resistance by microbial is on a rising spree. Though the data is consistent with the many deaths resulting from formerly curable diseases, experts have not been able to provide sufficient evidence of new resistant mechanisms apart from the ancient rationale of gene resistance, p. 158. To close the information gap, Collins (2002) suggests that researchers have to find out a justification for the new resistance mechanism. Among the many techniques that used to eliminate cases of drug resistance, completion of antibiotic dosage has proved to be quite reliable. Shnayerson & Plotkin (2003) declare that when a patient successive undergoes a complete antibiotic therapy, microbial is given little time to mutate. In the circumstance that the treatment is not completed, a new generation of bacteria that cannot be eliminated with that particular drug would begin p.526. On the other hand, introduction of a mild form of bacteria in the form of vaccination has failed to curb resistance. Coates (2012) asserts that the immune
Sunday, February 2, 2020
United States National Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
United States National Security - Essay Example Michael Ignatieff (2002) characterizes weak and collapsing states as the chief source of human rights abuses in the post-cold war world as these states comprise the world's most poor population that are easily disposed to resorting to violence against other groups, their own governments or international terrorism primarily in a battle of survival. James Wolfensohn, formerly of the World Bank, calls for a global strategy that includes measures designed to address "the root causes of terrorism: those of economic exclusion, poverty and under-development."(Wolfensohn, 2002) This paper outlines why are failed and failing states significant threat to United States national security by first establishing whether failed and failing states are in a position to pose a significant threat to the United States. The paper will look into the reasons why they are a threat and in case it is established that failed or failing states are not a threat to US security, the essay will discuss the reasons thereof. It is also relevant to determine the scope and level of post-911 threat perceptions in the corridors of power in Washington as well as define what is a "failed" and "failing" state. Though the concept of failed or failing state is relatively new, it has quickly established itself as part of the international relations lexicon and the strategic vernacular apparently since the year 2000, and it has many definitions. Various characterization in the literature are: fragile states (Goldstone et al, 2000), difficult partners (OECD, 2001), Low Income Countries Under Stress (LICUS) (World Bank, 2002), poor performers (AusAid, 2002), difficult environments (Torres & Anderson, 2004), weak performers (ADB, 2004), failed and failing states (Rotberg, 2004) and countries at risk of instability (Government of the UK, 2005). CIA's Instability Task force defines state failure as the collapse of authority of the central government to impose order in situations of civil war, revolutionary war, genocide, politicide and adverse or disruptive regime transition. Rotberg (2004), on the other hand characterizes failure of the state as being marked by an inability to provide basic political goods-especially security, dispute resolution and norm regulation and political participation-to many, if not most, of its citizens. A failed state may face restrictions on its sovereignty, such as political or economic sanctions, the presence of foreign military forces on its soil or other military constraints such as a "no-fly" zone. A prestigious journal, Foreign Policy, and the Fund for Peace, in independent research organization in their joint-project called "Failed States Index" (FSI) define a failing state as the one in which the government does not have effective control of its territory, is not perceived as legitimate by a significant portion of its population, does not provide domestic security or basic public services to its citizens and lacks a monopoly on the use of force. A failing state may experience active violence or simply be vulnerable to violence. According to the yearly survey on state instability conducted by Foreign Policy and Fund for Peace, there are some sixty states that are most likely to qualify as failing states. Twelve social, economic, political, and military indicators were used to rank 148 states in order of their vulnerability to violent internal
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Factors Effecting Cardiac Output Physical Education Essay
Factors Effecting Cardiac Output Physical Education Essay Inotropy can have positive or negative effect on the heart, especially the ventricles. There are few factors that can influence inotropy; this can either be neuronal, hormonal. The neuronal influence is predominately from the autonomic nerves, either the parasympathetic or the sympathetic nerves and these have both negative and positive effect on inotropy. However, other influences come from some drugs which have positive or negative effect on inotropy. This will consequently affect the cardio output by changing the state of for example ESV, preload, stroke volume and heart rate. All of these factors are related and depend on each other. Section A: The autonomic nerves are divided into two, parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves. The sympathetic nerves cause a positive inotropy. It does this by releasing norpinephrine by the postganlionic fibers and the secretion of epinephrine from adrenal medulla. These hormones, norpinephrine and epinephrine, causes the cardiac muscle cell metabolism. Hence, the contraction and the force of contraction in the cardiac muscle increase. This increases because of special types of receptors called adrenergic receptors found on the plasma membrane of the cardiac muscle cells. There are two types; one is called the alpha receptors and the other type is called the beta receptors. These receptors bind to and recognise both norepinephrine and epinephrine. Because of the cardiac muscle cells contraction increases this will cause the ventricles to contract harder. This will decrease the end systolic volume, because the amount of blood ejected from the ventricles increases. The other types of nerves that influence the inotropy are called parasympathetic nerves. The parasympathetic stimulation from the vagus causes the release of acetylcholine (ACh), which is a neurotransmitter. The ACh binds to two types of receptors; they are known as the muscarinic and nicotinic cholinergic receptors. There are different types of mascarinic receptors; and the M2 muscarinic receptors are specific for the heart. These receptors work by maintaining the heart to stay at its constant state. When the ACh is released it binds to M2 mascurinic receptors. Therefore, after the reactions occur between the M2 mascurinic receptors and the ACh, the effect it has on the heart is that it reduces the heart rate; it also reduces the action potential produced by the SA node and the AV node. However, it also affects the heartà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s ability to contract. Both the arterial and ventricular muscle cells are innervated by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. However, in the ventricular muscle cells, the parasympathetic nerves have more compact than the sympathetic nerves. For these reasons the parasympathetic stimulation has a negative effect on the inotropy. Beside the parasympathetic and sympathetic stimulations having influence on the inotropic state; there are few hormones, described above, and drugs that can also influence the inotropic state of the heart. As mentioned above, epinephrine, which is released from the adrenal gland, and norepinephrine, which is released from the sympathetic nerves, increases the heart rate. This has a positive effect on the inotropic state of the heart. However, there are few drugs that have the opposite effect of the norepinephrine and epinephrine; these drugs are known as antagonist, because they block the action of the hormones. Some examples of such drugs are propanolol and digoxin. Propranolol works by blocking the beta adrenergic receptors that binds with epinephrine. This means that epinephrine cannot longer bind to these receptors, so therefore its effects are no longer seen and blocked. This is why propranolol and drugs similar to it are called beta-blockers. The actions seen by these drugs on the heart is that it slows down the heart rate. When the ventricles contract with great deal of force, the ventricles have to overcome some sort of tension; this tension is known as afterload and comes from the aorta pressure. Therefore, if the afterload is increased, this will mean the ventricular muscle cells will contract for longer period. Hence, the greater the end systolic volume will be; this is because the blood ejected is less and this will reduce the stroke volume, which means cardiac output will decrease as well. This mechanism only happens when the inotropy is increased and this can be done by hormonal or anatomic stimulation influence. On the other hand, a reduced inotropic sate, in this case the afterload is increased as well, will have the opposite effect on the end systolic volume. Section B: The preload is directly proportional to the end diastolic volume; therefore if there is an increase in the preload, there is an increase in the end diastolic volume. Basically what preload does is that it affects the cardiac muscle cellà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s ability of creating tension. So this means during systole, during the contraction of the ventricular muscle cells, the force produced increases and is forceful. Therefore increasing inotropy, by hormones such as epinephrine or stimulation from the autonomic nervous system, will increase in the force of contraction of the ventricles. Another way the inotropy can be increased depends on the amount of blood that is returned to the heart, which is known as the venous return. This can for example be caused by excise; this will increase the venous return and which will increase the end diastolic volume. Hence the increase of end diastolic volume will cause the increase of both stroke volume and cardiac output. What the venous return does is that it stretches the ventricular muscle cells because of the more blood. So this means the sacromere length will increase so does the tension. This results in the contraction of the ventricular muscle cells with greater force and the ejection of more blood. Thus, an increase in the preload will cause an increase in end diastolic volume; so therefore stroke volume is increased and cardiac output. This mechanism is known as the Frank-Starling law; this law basically states that the more the heart is stretched, the harder the heart contracts to eject more blood. When the ventricles contract with great deal of force, the ventricles have to overcome some sort of tension; this tension is known as afterload and comes from the aorta pressure. Therefore, if the afterload is increased, this will mean the ventricular muscle cells will contract for longer period. Hence, the greater the end systolic volume will be; this is because the blood ejected is less and this will reduce the stroke volume, which means cardiac output will decrease as well. This mechanism only happens when the inotropy is increased and this can be done by hormonal or anatomic stimulation influence. On the other hand, a reduced inotropic sate, in this case the afterload is increased as well, will have the opposite effect on the end systolic volume. The contractility of the heart can, especially the ventricles, can have a great deal on the pressure and the development tension on the ventricles. This has an effect on the ejection fraction, because the inotropy changes the amount of blood ejected from the ventricles. There are two types of factors that increase the inotropic state. The types are either said to have positive inotropic or negative inotropic. In order for the cardiac muscles cells to contract, the sarcoplasmic reticulum has to release Ca2+ .What causes the contraction of the cardiac cells are the entry of Ca2+ into the cells. Therefore what the positive inotropic does is that it increases the amount of Ca2+ that enter into the cardiac muscle cells. This increases the stroke volume and lowers the ESV which in return increases the cardiac output. An example of this is the sympathetic stimulation on the heart. However, the negative inotropic has the opposite effect. This can for example be the parasympathetic stimulation; basically this will block the entry of the Ca2+ into the cardiac muscle cells. Thus the ejection fraction is reduced which leads to an increase on the ESV; hence the stroke volume decrease and cardiac output as well. The heart rate is defined as the number of times the heart beats in one minutes. In a normal person at rest beats as 70 beats per minutes. The body controls the heart rate different ways that might increase or decrease heart rate. Activities from the parasympathetic nerves decreases the heart rate, basically what happens is that stimulations sent from the parasympathetic nerves to the heart decreases heart rate; whereas the sympathetic nerves have the opposite effect. The effect seen from this is that the pacemaker potential decreases due to a decrease in the F-type sodium ions. This means the threshold is reached more slowly than it is normally, thus heart rate decreases and consequently the cardiac out decreases as well. Heart rate can also be affected by hormonal influence. One primarily example is the release of epinephrine which is released from adrenal medulla. This hormone basically acts on the receptors found on beta-adrenergic receptors in the SA node. These receptors normally accept norepinephrine, which is released from the neurons. The effect of these hormones is that it increases the heart rate, hence the cardiac output.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Building a Data Warehouse Essay
Starbucks is a company that is specialized in offering a range of products including coffee, handcrafted beverages, merchandise, and fresh food. As an enterprise, they require a proper data management to enable them serve their customers efficiently. Data on sales, customer views, customer information, market analytics, products, and production needs a proper storage and retrieval system hence the use of data warehousing. To make informed decisions, the management at all the levels within the company requires data analysis to make those decisions. The Coffee Company has a website for buying their coffee products, as well as gifts, and explores the coffee world by learning more about its origin. The data warehouse stores are built using SQL Server 2000 that stores information about the occurrences on the website. Business Desk reports enable processing of data imported from the website. Several steps are involved in exporting these data. The first step is reporting that is provided through Business Desk. These data includes weblog data, user profile information, campaign information, catalog information and transaction data (Microsoft, 2000). Data cubes are prepared by running the report processing tasks. The Business Desk is secured and can only be accessed by Starbucks Corporate networks and allows only Secure Socket connections. Reports that resides on the data warehouse server can be accessed and viewed through from the business application. To plan the data warehouse at Starbucks, three aspects of the site must be taken into consideration. The storage, processing, and bandwidth requirements are the elements needed to deploy the data warehouse. The storage requirements consider the amount of space required for web log files. The number of servers, web log file sizes per server per day and total log file sizes must be known in advance for the data warehouse planning. After sometime, these accumulated preferably three months, archiving should be done on old data to ensure that the business users will be able to view and run historical data. Since the data is imported from the website, processing time is of great importance to the success of the warehouse. Therefore, time to import web log files and processing time of web log files into analysis cubes is necessary for planning purposes. Lastly, consideration of bandwidth requirements is done before deploying the data warehouse. For example, the data bandwidth used will be f or moving the web log files. Also considered is the bandwidth required for actual running of the reports.The process of creating a data warehouse is procedural. It begins by building a business model followed by definition of the requirements of each model. Identification of data sources is carried out after business modeling. The process of building the data warehouse is done after the selection of data warehouse tools (Vincent, 2007). Data collection through asking the question about the performance of the company will help identify data to appear on the data warehouse. Reports from time reporting system, accounting packages, and customer relationship management application are other important sources. Designers of the data warehouse have to find a way of harmonizing these data with the knowledge of how people process information within the company. In making the decisions, the data within the system are retrieved for analysis. This process is known as extraction. It is defined as the process of retrieving data from a source for use in the data warehouse environment. The extracted data can then be transformed and finally loaded into storage. The primary internal data sources for a data warehouse in Starbucks is the transaction processing application. Data extraction methods are of two types that include full logical and physical extraction method and depend on the business requirements, performance and source system. In logical extraction method, there are two subdivisions, complete extraction, and incremental extraction. Full removal is where the data is completely extracted from the system source files. No additional information is necessary on the site. The second data extraction method is the physical extraction method. Physical extraction is of two types, online and offline extraction. Online mining, extraction is directly from the source files. The process of extraction can directly connect either source tables’ or the intermediate data store. The latter, offline extraction, is where data is sourced outside the source files. Conclusion For a leading international company like Starbucks, planning, building and maintenance of a data warehouse are very critical and requires technical expertise. The building process requires cooperation from IT and business people in order to come up with a successful data warehouse. For implementation purposes, it requires coordination by all stakeholders to highlight all the requirements, needs, and tasks. Breaking down of the data collected enables incorporation of all the requirement to appear on the data warehouse. References BIBLIOGRAPHY l 1033 Microsoft. (2000). Starbucks technical deployment guide. Microsoft. Vincent. (2007). Building a Data Warehouse. Apress. Source document
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Analysis Of The Semplica Girl Diaries By George Saunders
POSTMODERNISM Set in a futuristic society, a central influence on ones status and wealth in â€Å"The Semplica-Girl Diaries†by George Saunders, comes from ownership of semplica-girls; women from poor countries who agree to become human ornaments, strung by a microline installed in their temple, in order to provide money for their families. Through characterizing Eva as sensitive, and abnormal, Saunders shows that the average person doesn t see how owning semplica-girls is morally wrong. The majority of people who can afford SG’s have them; in Eastridge, a presumably rich neighborhood, approximately 39/50 had. This number shows the normalization of owning SG’s. Eva consistently expresses her dislike saying, â€Å"I don’t like it. It’s not nice. . .If we want to help them, why can’t we just give them the money?†. The rest of her family are fascinated by the semplica-girls, and aspire to have one of their own. However, Eva sees the cruelty in displayi ng humans as ornaments for their own benefits, because as she suggests, if they wanted to help them they would give them money. In an attempt to defend themselves, her parents justify owning semplica-girls because the women have seen worse, are â€Å"happier†, and able to send money to their families. The fact that Eva goes against society’s beliefs, shows that she sees through the distorted justification society proposes. Her father writes that Eva â€Å"has developed tendency to set herself apart from others†and sees her sensitivity as â€Å"anShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Semplica Girl Diaries By George Saunders1609 Words  | 7 Pages â€Å"The Semplica-Girl Diaries†by George Saunders in a short story that follows the life of a middle-age father and his family of four as they struggle with monetary problems and their socio-economic status in their community. The story begins with the the father having just turned 40 years old decides to write a diary of his everyday life for future generations. Throughout the story we learn that he has a very complicated relationship with money, all of his credit cards are nearly maxed out, he isRead MoreThe Semplica Girl Diaries Analysis1621 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"The Semplica Girl Diaries†The American dream is an example of a national spirit that represents different ideologies. The set of ideas may be of democracy, equality matters, liberty, rights, and opportunities. The American dream believes in freedom for prosperity and success for its citizens. The idea suggests that upward social mobility for individuals can be achieved only through hard work. In a story done by George Saunders, the American dream is exemplified in several instances. The author
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Creativity Essay - 1031 Words
In your own experience, how has your creativity developed through using digital technologies to complete your coursework productions? Creativity has been defined in several different ways by various media theorists. In 1997, Bentley explained creativity as ‘The making of the new and rearranging of the old’. This is something that throughout the course of the project from the preliminary tasks to the main products I have been able to do. At the start of the course, we analysed the contents pages and front covers of college magazines and had to create our own original college magazine. However, despite creating a new product, we still had to take inspiration and follow codes and conventions from the college magazines we had previously†¦show more content†¦All magazines receive some degree of feedback from customers, whether this be filling out reviews and surveys on the content, writing in to try and win competitions or even complaining about the use of grammar and the English language, although this is something typically seen more frequently in newspaper broadsheets. The physical act of this c ommunication though, leads us to a theory from Banaji, Burn amp; Buckingham in 2006. They say that technology allows us to be creative when we are not inherently so, and though I feel that as a species, humans are creative, I think that technology allows us to take this even further. Initially we drew the rough drafts for our magazine front covers and contents pages on paper as an indication of how we wanted them to look. Some of these drawings were creative and interesting; however, actually creating them on a computer, using photoshop, InDesign and photographs that we had taken ourselves, this allowed us to complete the products with a greater degree of professionalism and a more vibrant, interesting look. Also, with the advancement of technology in the 21st century, consumers can be more creative regarding how they communicate with the magazine – something which we had to be aware of when creating it. Where previouslyShow MoreRelatedEssay on Creativity3954 Words  | 16 PagesCreativity The walls of the Louvre are covered with artistic masterpieces, widely recognized as some of the most treasured, creative works known to man. The unique stroke of a brush or the layering of paint can distinguish these geniuses from the masses. Despite the ability to label these pieces of art as especially creative, it remains unclear how one can truly qualify the defining characteristics of creativity. 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